Update on the temporary launching ban from Glasbury Bont, River Wye

Canoe Wales • 5 May 2021

Update from 5 May 2021

Canoe Wales has now talked with Powys County Council about the restrictions of launching boats from the Upper Bont at Glasbury. Once the previous consent had expired, it was found that Powys CC are legally required to carry out an environmental assessment before launching can resume; that is assuming that the assessment shows that there will be no negative impact on the features of the river SAC (Special Area of Conservation) or SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) caused by the launching and use of canoes, kayaks, paddle boards etc.

We have no idea how long this process will take but there is every likelihood that it could be months. It is likely that as and when launching is once again allowed, there will be conditions attached to ensure environmental protection. Powys will also have to demonstrate that they can manage launching activities from the site taking into account any of those conditions. In the meantime, we ask that members refrain from launching from the Bont. We hope that by observing the launching ban it can be demonstrated that such severe conditions will not be required. 

We are sorry not to be able to be more positive at the moment and can assure you that we have been trying to find ways of at least allowing recreational paddling to resume. We are regularly meeting with other affected parties and Powys County Council, and will update members as and when we can.

Update from 24 April 2021

On 23 April, Canoe Wales was informed by Powys County Council that the suspension of canoe launching at Glasbury Bont is likely to continue for some considerable time (possibly months rather than weeks) since they are now required to undertake a "Habitat Regulations Assessment" before they can recommence any launching activity on the common. 

Here is the full statement from the Council's Professional Lead for Countryside Access and Recreation, Sian Barnes:

"I am writing to update you about the canoe launching arrangements from the Council’s land at Upper Glas-y-Bont common. We understand the concerns that the current situation is raising for our residents and businesses and are as keen to resolve this as you are. We are very much bound by the environmental permitting regime, though and the advice that has now been provided to us by Natural Resources Wales does have very significant implications.

"It is important to understand that the advice has been provided under statute law, so carries very significant legal weight and we are obliged to give it due consideration. That said, it has been made clear by Natural Resources Wales that the advice document is a starting point for a more detailed conversation with them.

"We have been advised that before we can recommence any launching activity on the common, the Council must carry out a Habitat Regulations Assessment. This is not a step that we have been required to take previously to permit launching and it does place additional requirements on us. If you are not familiar with the Habitat Regulations Assessment process, this is a detailed ecological assessment to assess the potential impacts of canoe launching on the River Wye, as a Special Area of Conservation. Carrying out the assessment requires specialist ecological expertise, review of the scientific evidence base and consultation; as a result, this will unfortunately not be completed within a matter of weeks.

"The assessment will need to set out the actions that will be taken to prevent any potential damage to the protected features of the Special Area of Conservation. Natural Resources Wales has set out a number of these mitigations in their advice, including:

  • Setting a water level below which no canoe launching can take place;
  • Limiting the number of boats that can be launched each day from the common; and
  • Provision of appropriate information on sustainable paddling to commercial companies and groups launching from the site.

"As you will appreciate, this does raise many questions. We will be liaising with Natural Resources Wales to explore the scope of the assessment, mitigating actions and any supporting evidence that they hold. We will also need to talk to you, as stakeholders who have a key role in informing and making sure that ecological mitigation is effective, so that canoe launch arrangements can be sustained.

"I hope that this helps in understanding the steps that we must now take. In the meantime we will ensure that more permanent signage is put in place, so that everyone is aware of the current status and we will keep you all updated, as this progresses."

We understand that this is frustrating for many of our members and paddlers who normally launch from this site. We will continue to work with Powys County Council and other stakeholders to move this issue forward - and will update you as soon as we learn more.

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